Berikut Daftar Lengkap Pemenang Baeksang Arts Awards 2024, Mana Jagoan Kamu?
Berikut Daftar Lengkap Pemenang Baeksang Arts Awards 2024, Mana Jagoan Kamu-Pemenang Baeksang Arts Awards 2024-Instagram @koreapoppost
RADAR JABAR - Penghargaan tahunan di Korea Selatan yang sangat dinanti-nantikan, Baeksang Arts Awards 2024, telah sukses digelar.
Acara ini menjadi award bergengsi untuk para aktor dan aktris di negara gingseng tersebut, Baeksang Arts Awards 2024 dilaksanakan di OEX Hall D di Seoul, Korea Selatan pada Selasa (7/5/2024).
Dalam perhelatan ke-60 ini, puluhan bintang terkemuka dari dunia hiburan Korea Selatan berkumpul untuk merayakan pencapaian terbaik dalam industri ini.
Mari kita lihat siapa saja yang berhasil membawa pulang penghargaan prestisius Baeksang Arts Awards 2024.
Berikut Daftar Lengkap Pemenang Baeksang Arts Awards 2024
Drama Televisi:
- Grand Prize (Daesang): "Moving"
- Best Drama: "My Dearest"
- Best Variety Show: "Adventure by Accident 2"
- Best Educational Show: "Japanese Person Ozawa"
- Best Director: Han Dong-wook ("The Worst of Evil")
- Best Actor: Nam Goong-min ("My Dearest")
- Best Actress: Honey Lee ("Knight Flower")
- Best Supporting Actor: Ahn Jae-hong ("Mask Girl")
- Best Supporting Actress: Yeom Hyeran ("Mask Girl")
- Best New Actor: Lee Jung-ha ("Moving")
- Best New Actress: Yoo Na ("The Kidnapping Day")
- Best Male Entertainer: Na Young-suk
- Best Female Entertainer: Hong Jin-kyung
- Best Screenplay: Kang Full ("Moving")
- Best Technical Direction: Kim Dong-shik, Im Wan-ho ("Whales and I-camera")
- Male Popularity Award: Kim Soo-hyun
- Female Popularity Awards: Yujin IVE
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- Grand Prize (Daesang): "12.12: The Day"
- Best Film: "12.12: The Day"
- Best Actor: Hwang Jung-min ("12.12: The Day")
- Best Actress: Kim Go-eun ("Exhuma")
- Best Supporting Actor: Kim Jong-soo ("Smugglers")
- Best Supporting Actress: Lee Sang-hee ("My Name is Loh Kiwan")
- Best New Actor: Lee Do-hyun ("Exhuma")
- Best New Actress: BIBI ("Hopeless")
- Best Director: Jang Jae-hyun ("Exhuma")
- Best New Director: Lee Jeong-hong ("A Wild Roomer")
- Best Scenario: Yoo Jae-sun ("Sleep")
- Best Technical Direction: Kim Byung-in ("Exhuma")
- Gucci Impact Award: The Dream Songs
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